Are the clouds changing shape, or is it just the perspective?
Oddly enough, I was in a rare bit of calm at work, an impromptu break, if you will. I hadn’t seen the sun since I walked in, and the way work is set up, there are very few clocks around. Something about lack of productivity for people watching the clock, but it boils down to reminding us that we’re their wage servants.
I hit play on the attached video they had sent along with the question, and the sky is blue, and these clouds – wispy but dense, amorphous and shapeshifting – seem to change their appearance every second, but then I realize the videographer, good friend of mine, is actually moving. The edge of her house is my clue; it moves as she moves, and the clouds change as well. Are they moving? Are they so low that my friend can move a few feet and the shapes change so drastically?
The question this poses, in this time and place, strikes me as hilarious. Here I am, in this warehouse-slash office from hell slash purgatory, and my friend wants my opinion on an outdoors I haven’t seen in..hours? Hell, could be days, far as I know. I wonder what the weather is, is it warm? I know it’s sunny. Are they outside enjoying themselves? I remember the last time we hung out – laughs and drinks and more laughs, and wonder if I’ll have enough energy this weekend to do that myself. Or, will my luck, or lack thereof, deal me bad weather? A rain shower sending me scurrying indoors. Plans made on Friday night scrapped on Saturday morning because of unforeseen circumstances.
I sigh, then look up from my phone. A number of my colleagues stare at me; how do I even look, staring at my phone, first laughing, now sighing? I look at them all, then look down again to type.
I vote for changing shape.
Changing the shape of your day