Whether downtown or in another state, I sing the praises of the one night hotel stay thusly…
The relative anonymity of it all leads to behavior normally reserved for the internet and interactions with people who work service industries. Walking into an opulent hotel lobby, checking in, getting those door keys.
It is my opinion that a lot of the actions of those we as a society frown upon have their genesis in actions people would rather not know about, or at least, not know the minds responsible.
Lest you jump to conclusions, no I am not speaking chiefly about the loud caterwauling of sexual congress although that can be one part of it. The decadence of ordering room service. Of being in a climate controlled suite, you alone, or you with a willing partner, being not only physically, but mentally intimate as well. Can’t pick fights in such a close proximity. So tempers are softened, and care is taken, in a little world of your making. And there’s something..raw about that. Raw and revealing.